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详情说明 / Details



  Asphalt water content measuring instrument is a testing instrument,suitable for measuring the water content of petroleum pitch,coal pitch or emulsified pitch,and the water content in various test objects,expressed as mass percentage.








  How to use the asphalt water content tester:

  ★Weigh the mass(m1)of the washed and dried glass flask to the nearest 0.1g

  ★Shake the sample thoroughly,or preheat it to 50-80 degrees Celsius,make it into a glass flask and fill it with about 100G(moisture of not less than 25%)or 50G(moisture of more than 25%),and call its total mass.(M2)to 0.1G

  ★Take 200ml of solvent from a measuring cylinder and pour it into the flask.Shake the mixture in the flask carefully.Don't splash out of the bottle and put some glass capillaries or five-glazed porcelain pieces.

  ★The device is as shown in the figure.The cleaned and dried branch of the water receiver is tightly mounted on the glass bottle so that the oblique opening of the branch enters the beaker 15-20cm,and then the condenser is connected to the receiver.The inner wall should be wiped dry with cotton in advance.During installation,the axial lines of the condenser tube and the moisture receiver should coincide with each other,and the oblique cut surface at the lower end of the condenser tube should be opposite to the branch pipe mouth of the receiver.To avoid steam overflow,apply cotton wool to the gap.When the temperature of the water entering the condenser tube is significantly different from the room temperature,apply cotton wool glue to the gap between the plugs.When the temperature of the water entering the condenser tube is significantly different from the room temperature,the upper end of the condensation tube should be plugged with cotton to avoid air in the air.Water vapor enters the condensation tube and condenses.










  Test steps of asphalt water content tester:

  ★Heat the flask and control the reflux rate of the condensate,so that the oblique opening of the condensate tube keeps dropping 2-5 drops of liquid per second.

  ★During the distillation process,the water in the water receiver will hit the A large volume scale before stopping heating.When no solvent drips out,quickly remove the receiver,pour the solvent into a graduated cylinder,and then install it to continue heating Back to distillation.

  ★When the retorting is almost completed,if the inner wall of the condensation tube is dripped with water,the mixture in the flask should be boiled violently in a short time,and the water droplets should be washed into the receiver as much as possible using the condensed solvent.

  ★When the volume of water collected by the receiver no longer increases,and the solvent in the upper layer is completely transparent,the heating should be stopped.

  ★After stopping heating,if there is still water droplets on the inner wall of the condenser tube,pour the solvent from the upper end of the condenser tube and flush the water droplets into the receiver.If the solvent rinse is still not effective,**use a thin glass rod with the rubber end to put the inside of the condenser.Water into the receiver.

  ★After cooling the glass,disassemble the instrument,and record the volume of water in the receiver or graduated cylinder(Vm).When the solvent in the receiver is turbid and the water collected in the bottom of the tube does not exceed 0.2ml,place the receiver in the heat.Immerse in water for 20-30 minutes to clarify the solvent.After the receiver is cooled to room temperature,read the volume of water collected at the bottom of the tube.









  LHS-1 Asphalt Moisture Meter Calculation Formula:

  The mass percentage of the water content of the sample is calculated according to the following formula:


  In the formula:Pw-moisture content of the sample(%)

  Vw-volume of water in the receiver(ml)

  m1-mass of glass flask(g)

  m2-Total mass of glass cake and sample(g)

  Pw-density of water(1g/ml)




  LHS-1 bitumen moisture meter tightness or allowable difference:

  For viscous petroleum asphalt,if the water in the receiver is less than 1ml,the allowable difference in repeatability test accuracy is 0.1ml,and the allowable difference in repeatability test accuracy is 0.2ml.The tolerance of the accuracy of the repeatability test is 0.1ml or 2%of the average value,and the tolerance of the repeatability test accuracy is 0.2ml or 10%of the average value

  For emulsified asphalt,the allowable difference in repeatability test accuracy is 0.8%,and the allowable difference in repeatability test accuracy is 2.0%.







  Structure of asphalt water content tester:

  ①Glass beaker:made of hard glass,round bottom,short neck,diameter 100mm,volume 500ml

  ②Moisture receiver:10-division scale is set for volume below 0.3ml,7-division scale is set between 0.3-1ml,and 0.2ml is used in 1-10ml.But adjacent moisture receivers can also be used.

  ③Condensate tube:to shape or spherical,inner tube diameter 10mm,total length 350-400Mm,end beveled,casing diameter 40-50mm long 250-300mm,inlet and outlet pipe mouths are close to both ends,but the size of the adjacent condensation Tubes are also available.

  ④Iron frame:iron ring and iron clip are attached.⑤Heater:electric stove or gas stove








  Test equipment for asphalt water content tester:

  1.Balance:Sensitivity is not more than 0.1g.

  2.Measuring cylinder:100ml,scale:1ml

  3.Asbestos net

  4.Others:glass capillary(closed at one end)or Hongma's five-axis magnetic sheet,glass rod with rubber head,etc.

  5.Solvent:two or a mixture with two,etc.,industrial alcohol.




  Note for LHS-1 Asphalt Moisture Analyzer:

  This instrument cannot be heated too quickly.

  Prevent short mouth round bottom flasks.