[ 上一篇:漆膜干燥时间测定仪 ]  [ 查看原图 ]  [ 下一篇:动态抗开裂测试仪 ]
详情说明 / Details



  The coating cupping tester is a testing instrument for coatings.It is suitable for evaluating the coatings of paints and varnishes and related products.Under the standard test method,a depression test is performed to gradually deform the coatings.For cracking or resistance to separation from metal substrates,evaluate whether the coating has passed or failed.It is also possible to gradually increase the depression depth to determine the small depth at which the coating has just cracked or has started to detach from the substrate.


  The coating cup burst tester is designed and manufactured according to the international standard ISO1520 and**standard GB9753-88.








  Coating Cup Tester Technical Index

  ★Indentation diameter:20mm

  ★Large depression depth:10mm

  ★Indentation accuracy:0.05mm

  ★Digital display graduation value:0.01mm

  ★High depression force:1000N

  ★Specification of test piece:70mm*70mm*0.03mm~1.25mm






  Test procedure and operation method of QBJ coating cup protrusion tester

  ★Preparation of test strips

  (1)The test piece is square,and its size is 70mm*70mm*0.03mm~1.25mm

  (2)The material of the test piece should be polished steel and meet the requirements of GB9271.The test piece should be flat and not deformed.

  (3)Prepare the coating of the test piece according to the standard,dry it,and measure its thickness.Under the environment of temperature 23±2°C and relative humidity 50±5%,adjust the state for at least 16 hours before putting it into the test.









  Operation method of QBJ coated cup protrusion tester

  ★Single-sided coated board test:-Automatic zero adjustment

  Turn the handwheel of the testing machine downward(clockwise)to the bottom,loosen the test piece pressing device on the upper part of the testing machine,insert the single-sided coated test plate with the metal side facing downwards,and insert the coated side upwards into the gap between the upper part of the testing machine,And align the punch with the**axis of the test piece,and tighten the pressing device.Press the meter's red zero button once,the display shows zero.Turn the handwheel in the upward direction(counterclockwise)at a speed of 0.2±0.1mm/s(that is,one revolution in 2 to 3 seconds).When the reading reaches about 0.40mm,the punch hits the metal surface of the test plate,the display automatically displays the zero point,and the red light of the instrument is on.Then continue to turn the handwheel,the display reading is the rising height,and is also the depression depth,A is reversed during the process,otherwise the reading is not accurate.

  ★Test of double-sided coated board,——manual zero adjustment

  Turn the hand wheel of the testing machine downwards(clockwise)to the bottom,loosen the test piece pressing device on the upper part of the testing machine,insert the random zero-adjusting steel plate into the gap between the upper part of the testing machine,and tighten the pressing device.Press the meter's red button once to make the display zero.Turn the handwheel in the upward direction(counterclockwise).When the reading approaches 1.80mm,slow down.When the red light of the instrument is on,and when the display is zero,stop turning the handwheel.Loosen the compaction device,and then clear it manually(press the red button of the meter),and turn the handwheel in the rising direction at a speed of 0.2±0.1mm/s.The display reads the rising height and the depression depth.

  ★With corrected vision or a 10x magnifying glass,check whether the coating on the test piece is cracked or separated from the substrate.

  ★The above procedure should be performed on two separate test strips.If the results are different,the test should be supplemented until the results of the two test strips are consistent.If cracks occur on the substrate,the results of this experiment are invalid.

  ★When the coating on the test piece cracks or the coating is separated from the substrate,the punch stops moving(the number on the display is the depth of advance).The above test needs to be repeated on the same substrate to verify its As a result,until agreement.




  Coated Cup Tester Accessories

  A 10x magnifying glass with light source

  2.Zero position steel plate one