[ 上一篇:全自动水泥胶砂搅拌机 ]  [ 查看原图 ]  [ 下一篇:地坪压痕试验仪 ]
详情说明 / Details

  执行标准JC/T 985-2005地面用水泥基自流平砂浆

  Implement standard JC/T 985-2005 cement-based self-leveling mortar for floor

  该落锤冲击试验机适用于地面用水泥基自流平砂浆抗冲击试验,符合C/T 985-2005地面用水泥基自流平砂桨标准要求。

  This drop-weight impact tester is suitable for the impact test of cement-based self-leveling mortar for ground,and meets the requirements of C/T 985-2005 cement-based self-leveling mortar for ground.

  落锤装置由装有水平调节旋钮的钢基和一个悬挂着电磁铁的竖直钢架,一个导管和1kg±0.015 kg金属落锤组成。

  The drop hammer device consists of a steel base equipped with a horizontal adjustment knob,a vertical steel frame suspended with an electromagnet,a pipe and a 1kg±0.015 kg metal drop hammer.








  technical parameter:

  ■Hammer weight:1000g±5g

  ■The radius of curvature of the hammer body:20mm±2mm

  ■Impact height:1000mm

  ■Height error:±2mm

  ■Trial mold of anti-lashing test piece

  ■Trial mold for measuring impact resistance:a metal or plastic mold with an inner frame of 75mm×75mm and a height of 5mm.